Common Problems of Patients with Varicocele:
- Can have dragging or dull aching pain in testicle. कुछ समय दर्द इतना गंभीर होता है कि रोगी खड़ा भी रह सकता है
- Swelling in affected testicle
- Oligospermia/ fertility problem

Condition can be diagnosed with Doppler ultrasound of scrotum. When patient come to know about this condition, it’s a natural instinct to google the remedy and possible complication. Every patient tries to get medical treatment or non-surgical treatment. Unfortunately, treatment with medical drugs is very limited and patient require some form of definitive procedure.
Most Serious Complications
Infertility (बांझपन)
Reduced sperm count (शुक्राणुओं की संख्या में कमी)
Atrophy or testicular shrinkage (वृषण सिकुड़न)

Surgery for Varicocele
Most of the hospital offers only traditional open surgery and microsurgical treatment for varicocele. This involves cutting skin and exposing and ligating problematic veins. हालांकि सर्जरी में शामिल संभावित जोखिम जानते हैं
- चीरा और टांके – suture and scar
- फिट होने के लिए अधिक समय – more recovery period
- अंडकोश की थैली में पानी का संग्रह – hydrocele

वैरिकोसेले के लिए नवीनतम उपचार
Endovascular Embolization:
Varicocele embolization, performed by a vascular and interventional specialist, is a minimally invasive procedure that closes off blood flow to the affected vein(s), causing the varicocele to shrink and die off.
Problematic spermatic vein is identified and embolization is done either with coils or liquid embolic material or combination. Trained interventional radiologist assesses the best treatment option and also the additional veins which may further impose the problem and embolize (block) them completely in one setting.

Benefits of Varicocele Embolization
Varicocele embolization is a minimally invasive day care procedure that:
Requires NO general anesthesia (only local anesthesia)
Results in NO scarring कोई दाग नहीं
Requires NO overnight stay (same day procedure) उसी दिन अस्पताल से छुट्टी
एम्बोलाइजेशन द्वारा असफल सर्जरी के कई मामलों का इलाज किया जाता है।
With varicocele embolization, what are the advantage over surgery?
- Success rates of 90%, similar to surgical techniques
- Quicker recovery time; days vs. weeks as compared to open surgery
- Very low/negligible risk of infection
- A same day procedure, allowing you to recover at home
- No pain during procedure
- No cut or scar.
- Patient can resume normal activity from same day.
- No risk of testicular injury
- No risk of injury to artery or lymphatics as procedure in selectively done through vein
- Chances of recurrence and failure are less when done by experience interventional radiologist. Many failed surgical cases have been treated by endovascular embolization.
Whenever diagnosed with this condition that requires treatment always ask you physician about non-surgical embolization. Dr Prashant Pote encourages patient to get in contact with him in OPD to discuss the best possible solution, learn more about minimally invasive treatment and benefits of varicocele embolization. Treatment which was only available in metro cities of India, now available in Raipur city.
A young gentleman, doing regular heavy workout at gym was experiencing pain in scrotal region on left side since last few months. Preliminary evaluation with Doppler ultrasound suggests grade IV varicocele. His sperm count was also low. Though he was using scrotal support advised by his treating physician dragging pain was too annoying.
He was successfully treated with minimally invasive endovascular coiling. No surgery, no visible scar.