Varicose veins treatment in bhilai

Varicose vein can present in wide spectrum from early spider veins in skin to tortuous dilated superficial veins and complicated venous disease with non-healing ulcer. Though it’s a common disease we don’t think of it until a problem develops. When left untreated, may cause painful symptoms including throbbing pain, tiredness, or heaviness in the legs affecting quality of life.

Dr Prashant Pote wants to offer his patients the best available and most advance non-surgical treatment called Endovenous RFA (Radiofrequency)/ LASER ablation therapy. Till recently at places most patient has been treated with outdated surgeries or old LASER machines with unsatisfactory results. Thus, it’s our responsibility to offer this simple, risk-free and quick procedure which enables patients to return to normal life sooner and in better shape.

Varicose veins can have variable symtoms such as:

  • सूजी हुई, मुड़ी हुई नसें एकमात्र संकेत नहीं हैं कि आपको वैरिकाज़ नसें हैं। वैरिकाज़ नसों के अन्य लक्षणों और लक्षणों में शामिल हैं:
  • बड़ी, नीली या बैंगनी-दिखने वाली उभरी हुई नसें जिन्हें आप अपनी त्वचा की सतह के नीचे देख सकते हैंI
  • आपकी टखनों और पैरों में सूजन.
  • दर्दनाक या दर्द वाले पैर जो “भारी” महसूस करते हैं.
  • आपके पैरों में मांसपेशियों में ऐंठन—खासकर रात में पैरों में खुजली, खासकर आपके निचले पैर और टखनों पर
  • आपके पैरों में जलन
  • जिस क्षेत्र में आपको वैरिकाज़ नसें हैं, उसके आसपास की त्वचा के फीके पड़े धब्बे.

Know more

What is the main cause of varicose veins?

The most patient develops varicose vein due to unhealthy/malfunctioning valves.  Blood pools in the veins get enlarged and distort them.  Prolonged standing is the main culprit factor that damages the wall and causes enlargement of veins.

What is the risk of chronic/untreated varicose veins?

When these enlarged dilated veins are left untreated in addition to the heaviness/pain in the leg and cause some time itching.  A patient can develop brownish pigmentation in the lower part of the leg.  Sometimes bleeding can occur in one of these veins get ruptured (nas ka phatana) and results in bleeding. The most serious complication is the non-healing ulcer.

Most Advanced Varicose Veins Treatment that We Provide

All the above procedures are done under the ultrasound guidance with clear mapping of affected veins resulting in a better outcome.

Dr. Prashant Pote has a deeper understanding of vein problems which helps patients in diagnosing and decision making regarding the best possible treatment.  He is a specially trained Interventional Radiologist expert in treating venous insufficiency leading to complicated varicose veins and has successfully treated many patients.

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