If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins or thing prominent veins on your leg could be on varicose, you must be looking for facts to clear your mind. Everyone around you now suddenly started giving you opinion what to do and what not. I am writing this article as varicose vein specialist to clear the fog and guide you through timely varicose veins treatment.
MYTH #1: Varicose veins are just cosmetic problem
Yes, sure bad looking veins give aww feeling to anyone and that is the first eye catcher even before the pain starts. Many girl, women or even men avoid wearing shorts considering awkwardness. Spider veins, seen as network of fine veins in skin are purely cosmetic- that is in early stage. Otherwise, prominent looking varicose veins may:
- be uncomfortable or painful
- cause swelling
- lead to changes in the color of your skin, or cause it to get thicker
- increase your risk of blood clots
- bleed a lot when injured
To learn more read in details why it is not good idea to avoid painful varicose veins treatment
MYTH #2: Varicose veins can’t be treated completely
With the development of technology, multiple advance and established treatment modalities are available for varicose vein treatment.
- In early stages elevating the feet to the level of the heart for 30 minutes, 4 times a day, which may decrease pressure in the veins.
- Calf strengthening exercise
- Regular physical activity , walking, jogging, cycling
- Regular use of compression stocking
MYTH #3: Treatment for varicose veins is painful
- The traditional surgery for varicose veins can involve a painful recovery, but many patients report healing faster and with less pain after undergoing a minimally invasive treatment. During procedure when procedure done in spinal anesthesia it is completely painless. Most of the time procedure done in regional and local anesthesia with tolerable pain with advantage of speedy recovery.
- Superglue treatment on the other hand does not require spinal or regional anesthesia. Complete procedure can be done with small local anesthesia and almost painless. Speedy recovery is another benefit. Patient can walk and go home within few hours of procedure.
MYTH #4: These veins often come back after treatment
- Varicose veins will not always come back after treatment. The risk of them returning is somewhat higher after open surgery, but the minimally invasive techniques available today actually have a lower risk of reoccurrence.
- You might be interested in reading a complete guide to answer above questions
- https://drpotevascular.com/blog/why-varicose-veins-reappear-after-treatment/
MYTH #5: Young patients do not get varicose veins
Though risk of developing varicose veins increases with age, it can become symptomatic at young age too. I have seen patients developing varicose veins in early teen. Those developing such abnormal vein need to be thoroughly evaluated for any underlying intra-abdominal problem or developmental problem in vascular system before deciding laser treatment.
- Once the disease has progressed need some interventions it can be done with Laser treatment, RF treatment, Sclerotherapy or Superglue for veins.
MYTH #6: Open Surgery is the only treatment option for varicose veins
Your grandmother could have been operated for varicose vein with open surgery. Now there are minimally invasive/ non- surgical treatment options available. Unfortunately, in India some surgeon still offers patient old surgical treatment which leave patient with multiple bad looking scar and insufficient treatment.
LASER treatment/ RF procedure: This uses heat to destroy the vein from the inside and then redirects blood towards other, healthier veins.
Sclerotherapy: A sclerosing agent sterol/ Ascerol is mixed with air and foam is prepared which is then injected into the dilated superficial veins. It acts as adjuvant therapy to the main laser procedure.
Superglue for vein: This is recent in treatment option of varicose veins. In this treatment, glue is injected into the abnormal vein through a catheter immediately closing the veins.
MYTH #7: Treatments are only for cosmetic purposes
Varicose vein treatment in the form of laser or RF procedure is sought for leg pain, cramp or venous ulcer and sometimes because of bad looking veins. This treatment not only improves cosmetic appearance but main aim to relive pain, remove abnormal veins, and decrease leg swelling and faster ulcer healing.
MYTH #08: Insurance does not pay for varicose vein treatment
Many insurance companies do provide minimally invasive laser/RFA/ Glue treatment depending on problem severity. However, some companies may or may not give total cost of treatment depending on their individual policies.
Dr Prashant Pote is expert in dealing with different types of varicose vein treatment and the complex cases. Dont hesitate to ask you doubts.